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20 Ways To Annoy Your Teacher

Rebecca L, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, Age 12

1. When asked a question during math, call out, “World War Two”

2. Loudly tap your pencil to the tune of Jeopardy during a test.

3. Write the words; “I hate school” in permanent marker on your forehead.

4. Two words, “Whoopee cushion”.

5. Stare blankly into space while she is talking.

6. Have yellow sticky notes on your desk that show equations of the one-times-table, cause’ you need to remember them.

7. Before a math test, repeat out loud to yourself so everyone can hear you, “2+2+4, 2+2=4…”

8. When asked to hand in a homework assignment ask, “What mean home-work?”

9. During a test, loudly ask for the answers from your imaginary friends.

10. During the “O Canada” at an assembly, yell out the words to the American anthem.

11. Always put up your hand when the teacher asks the class a question, even if you don’t know the answer.

12. Take your teacher’s pen, leave a ransom note demanding, “One Bagazillion dollars and “accidentally” sign your name.

13. Make paper signs and go on strike because you are overworked and “underpaid”.
14. Address your teacher as “boss”

15. Make a “phone” out of tin cans and a string; use it to talk to your friend during class.

16. On your first day of school, if you have a new teacher and you are asked a question, answer, “My mommy told me not to talk to strangers.”

17. When you’ve asked your teacher a question and she is done answering ask, “Is that your final answer?” in your best Regis Philman voice.

18. When you are correcting your work, make each checkmark like the Nike swoosh and write, “Just do it” under each one.

19. When it is your teacher’s birthday, write, “_________ is ______ years old today” all over the school and add an extra zero to the age.

20. If you are anything like the people in my class, this is the easiest way to really annoy your teacher, and I know it works because I got it from one the, “victims” themselves. You just have to…come to school!

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